Bozkurt, A. Paul, A., Pulla, S., Ramkumar, A., Blossey, B., Ewer, J., Gilmour, R., Lal, A., “Microprobe microsystem platform inserted during early metamorphosis to actuate insect flight muscle ,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Proceedings – CIS Workshops 2007, 2007 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security Workshops, CISW 2007, 2007, p 405-408
R. Duggirala, S. Tin and A. Lal, “3D silicon betavoltaics microfabricated using a self-aligned process for 5 milliwatt/CC average, 5 year lifetime microbatteries ,” TRANSDUCERS and EUROSENSORS ’07 – 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 2007, p 279-282
S. Ardanuc, A. Lal and D. Reyes, “Process-independent, ultrasound-enhanced, electrostatic batch assembly ,” TRANSDUCERS and EUROSENSORS ’07 – 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 2007, p 407-410
A. Ramkumar, X. Chen, D. Paduch, P.N. Schlegel, and A.Lal, “Micro-dissecting dual-probe testicular tubule assay ,” TRANSDUCERS and EUROSENSORS ’07 – 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 2007, p 1959-1962
S. Tin, R. Duggirala, and A. Lal, “Radioisotope powered electrostatic microactuators and electronics ,” TRANSDUCERS and EUROSENSORS ’07 – 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, 2007, p 269-273
Chandrashekhar, M.V.S., Duggirala, R., Lal, A., Spencer, M. G. , “4H SiC beta-powered temperature transducer ,” ,” The 6th IEEE Conference on SENSORS, IEEE SENSORS 2007, 2007, p 942-945
Bozkurt, A., Paul, A., Pulla, S., Ramkumar, A., Blossey, B., Ewer, J., Gilmour, R., Lal, A., “Microprobe microsystem platform inserted during early metamorphosis to actuate insect flight muscle ,” Proceedings of Future Generation Communication and Networking, FGCN 2007, v 2, p 405-408, 2007
Ramkumar, A., Lal, A., Paduch, DA., Schlegel, PN, “Ultrasonic microprobe based tubular size assay ,” Proceedings 2007 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, IUS, 2007, p 343-346
Pandey, M., Reichenbach, R.B.; Zehnder, A.T.; Lal, Amit; Craighead, H.G. , “Anchor loss reduction in resonant MEMS using MESA structures ,” Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, IEEE NEMS 2007, 2007, p 880-885
Radhakrishnan, Shankar, Lal, A., “Radioactive counting clocks” ,” 2007 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and Exposition, 2007, p 307-311